
2014 |  Skol

This exhibition featured a video (2011) and an installation of light boxes (2014), which consider the mother-daughter relationship in order to reflect upon the concept of the idealization of “The Good Mother”. In the video Maman, ne t’en fais pas / (Mom, don’t worry), I contemplate the notion of guilt in terms of “The Mother,” underscoring her voice. In the installation of cardboard light boxes Maman(s) / (Mom(s)), I focus on the perceptions of girls and women of their mothers, on their expectations and disappointments, and present short narratives through intermittently flashing loops that interact with each other. Both works are therefore in an ongoing dialogue through the use of texts and popular imagery, creating a space where personal stories became collective storytelling and where the mundane mix in with the spectacular.

Texte Nathalie Bachand



Crédits photo: Guy L’Heureux

For their support in this project, the artist would like to thank: Simon Plouffe, Claire Jacob, Denis Allard, Émilie Jacob-Allard, Nicholas Larouche, as well as all the participants who contributed to this project.