
2014 | Galerie de l’UQAM

In the exhibition Un coin du ciel, I present some family archives, while being interested by the archetype of “the Mother” in my family and in the country-western French songs. Presenting many portraits, the exhibition unfolds perceptions and multiple identities that challenge the immutable and traditional models from this musical universe. Creating movements back and forth between personal and collective narratives, these portraits are used to consider the construction of identities through country-western culture, transmitted here, from mother to daughter. The presentation of archives outside of their original cultural contexts (shows, festivals, houses, etc.) helps to focus the attention as much about the shortcomings and the awkwardness, as the enchantments of these eclectic documents


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For their support in the making of this project, the artist would like to thank: David Tomas, Alice Gervais, Jack Jacob, Gisèle Jacob, Claire Jacob, Nicole Jacob, Henri Jacob, Lucette Jacob, Ti-Georges Jacob, Renée Jacob, Simon Plouffe, Denis Allard, Émilie Jacob-Allard, Nicholas Larouche, Marcel Martel, Noëlla Therrien, Renée Martel and the Galerie de l’UQAM team.

Crédits photo: L.-P. Côté